現 金 流 量 表
Cash Flow Statement
For the Year 2008
項 目 |
金 額 |
項 目 |
金 額 |
一、經營活動產生的現金流量: |
購建固定資產、無形資產和其 他長期資產所支付的現金 |
銷售商品、提供勞務收到的現金 |
3,433,023.83 |
投資所支付的現金 |
收到的稅費返還 |
支付的其它與投資活動有關的現金 |
收到的其他與經營活動有關的現金 |
現金流出小計 |
現金流入小計 |
3,433,023.83 |
投資活動產生的現金流量凈額 |
購買商品、接受勞務支付的現金 |
2,670,969.99 |
三、籌資活動產生的現金流量: |
支付給職工以及為職工支付的現金 |
495,143.00 |
吸收投資所收到的現金 |
支付的各項稅費 |
148,127.75 |
借款所收到的現金 |
支付的其它與經營活動有關的現金 |
269,687.09 |
收到的其它與籌資活動有關的現金 |
現金流出小計 |
3,583,927.83 |
現金流入小計 |
經營活動產生的現金流量凈額 |
(150,904.00) |
償還債務所支付的現金 |
二、投資活動產生的現金流量: |
分配股利、利潤或償付利息所支付的現金 |
收回投資所收到的現金 |
支付的其它與籌資活動有關的現金 |
取得投資收益所收到的現金 |
處置固定資產、無形資產和其它長期資產所收回的現金凈額 |
收到的其它與投資活動有關的現金 |
現金流出小計 |
籌資活動產生的現金流量凈額 |
四、匯率變動對現金的影響額 |
現金流入小計 |
五、現金及現金等價物凈增加額 |
RMB(150,904.00) |
Unit: Yuan
Items |
Amount |
Items |
Amount |
1.Cash flow from operating activities: |
Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long term assets |
Cash received from sales of goods or rendering services |
3,433,023.83 |
Cash paid to investments |
Refunds of tax |
Cash paid relating to other investing activities |
Cash received relating to other operating activities |
Subtotal of cash outflows |
Subtotal of cash inflows |
3,433,023.83 |
Net cash flow from investing activities |
Cash paid for goods and services |
2,670,969.99 |
3.Cash flow from financing activities: |
Cash paid to employees and on be behalf of employees |
495,143.00 |
Cash received from investors |
Tax payments |
148,127.75 |
Cash received from borrowings |
Cash paid relating to other operating activities |
269,687.09 |
Cash received relating to other financing activities |
Subtotal of cash outflows |
3,583,927.83 |
Subtotal of cash inflows |
Net cash flow from operating activities |
(150,904.00) |
Repayments of borrowings |
2.Cash flow from investing activities: |
Dividends paid, profit distributed, interest paid |
Cash received from recovery of investment |
Cash paid relating to other financing activities |
Cash received from return on investment |
Net cash receipt from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long term assets |
Cash received relating to other investing activities |
Subtotal of cash outflows |
Net cash flow from financing activities |
4. Effect of Foreign Currency Exchange Rate on Cash and Cash Equivalents |
Subtotal of cash inflows |
5. Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents |
RMB(150,904.00) |